Two Sides: Abortion -- Amanda and Marissa

- Nationwide: 38%
- RI: 27% 
  • Against abortion because it is terminating a life 
  • Many people, both religious and non-religious, believe strongly that abortion is wrong in all cases
  • Some people take a more moderate approach and believe abortion should be banned  except in cases like rape, incest, or if pregnancy endangers the mother's life

- Nationwide: 62%
- RI: 73%
  • Believe the woman has the right to choose whether or not to terminate pregnancy 
  • Some people do not agree with abortion but also do not believe the government has the right to intervene in that decision 
  • Many people feel strongly that abortion should be banned after a certain point in pregnancy 

Roe v. Wade 
  • Roe v Wade is the current Supreme Court precedent case
  • Affirms the right to get safe abortions legally
  • Many conservatives want Roe v Wade overturned while most liberals want Roe v Wade to remain 
