In Service of What?
Kahne and Westheimer give a very interesting analytical breakdown of service learning and its many goals in the article "In Service of What? The Politics of Service Learning." I have decided to do extended comments on Marissa's blog this week because I feel that she made a few great points worth emphasizing. In connecting this week's article to Kristof, Marissa said in terms of the homeless, "I just help them out even though they don't know that I do... I wish they knew who I was sometimes." Although some people may interpret this as wanting recognition for service, I believe Marissa is trying to say that she wishes she had a connection with the people she was helping. Many organizations run food drives, clothing drives and more where people donate stuff but never come in contact with the people their donations are going to. For years I did my service through working behind the scenes in food pantries, creating Thanksgiving baskets, and other more i...